More accurate prediction in business equals profit

Get one step ahead with advanced business forecast


What is the most profitable information from the future of your company?

Which predictable indicator has the biggest impact on your business?
„61% of those who have an innovation strategy said they are using AI to identify opportunities in data that would otherwise be missed. Only 22% without a strategy said the same” – Narrative Science


Can we create more accurate predictions using

~Economical & Financial,
~Demographical (etc.) data?

Yes, we can! With Machine Learning. –


Field of our expertise and development

~Ultra-short term, day-ahead (or any customized period) demand and load forecasting,
~Predicting ancillary power-needs,
~Nowcasting of renewable power production with weather forecast,
~Resource usage optimization,
~Energy bidding strategies.


Would you like to see and exploit the patterns of business, or waiting for the next steps of the market players?

info {at} 4cast4 {dot} com

Contact us!

+36 70 310 21 23 | +36 30 695 7432
